ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Advanced
Build upon your knowledge from ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals.
This three-day training course aims to build upon your knowledge from ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals, exploring how to customize the user experience and extend the platform to support new cloud-based services.
Through lectures, demos, and technical exercises, students gain hands-on experience with the following Cloud Provisioning and Governance Advanced topics:
Advanced UI design, Create multi-tab requests, Build dynamic request forms, Custom Resource Pools and Filters, Essential Runtime Expressions, Advanced Profiles, Advanced Policies, Extend Cloud Provisioning and Governance with templates and Cloud API, Add functionality for Cloud Services not included in the Platform, Create Resources Blocks, Create Day-2 operations, Invoke cloud operations with Workflows and Integration Hub Subflows, Test and Troubleshoot extensions, Integration and Software Deployment, with Continuous Deployment Tools (Ansible)
During this three-day interactive training course, attendees will access the ServiceNow platform in their own student instance, which is a “safe sandbox” loaded with demo and test data.

Customize and simplify the user experience
Extend ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance to Provision new Cloud Services
Troubleshoot and debug Cloud Provisioning and Governance related issues.
Perform Day 2 operations with ServiceNow and Continuous Deployment Tools


Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

15 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

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Conocimientos requeridos
Catalog Item Customization
Lab 1.1: Introduction to Catalog Item Form Customization
Lab 1.2: Dynamically Set a Field Value
Lab 1.3: Dynamically Modify a Form
Lab 1.4: Render a Cloud Catalog Item in the Service Catalog
Lab 1.5: Add Custom Tags
Custom Resource Pools and Filters
Lab 2.1: Build a Query Resource Pool
Lab 2.2: Present User Relevant Data
Advanced Policies
Lab 3.1: Dynamic Form Policy
Lab 3.2: Custom Approval Policy
Lab 3.3: Script Tag Policies
Extend Cloud Management
Lab 5.1: Add a New Resource Type
Lab 5.2: Create a New CMDB CI Class
Lab 5.3: Discover a New Resource Type
Day-2 Operations – CAPI
Lab 6.1: Research AWS REST API to Create a Volume Snapshot
Lab 6.2: Create a CAPI Extension to Snapshot a Volume
Lab 6.3: Modify a Resource Block to Invoke a CAPI Extension
Lab 6.4: Create a Response Processor
Lab 6.5: Test and Troubleshoot a CAPI Extension
Day-2 Operations – Workflow and Integration Hub
Lab 7.1: Create a Nginx Resource Block
Lab 2.2: Create an Application Profile to Deploy with Ansible
Software Deployment
Lab 8.1: CFT Post Provision Operation with Cloud Script
Lab 8.2a-e: CFT Post Provision with Ansible Tower
Lab 8.2a: Connect to Ansible
Lab 8.2b: Create Application Profile and Catalog Item
Lab 8.2c: Setup Post Provision Operations
Lab 8.2d: Modify the Resource Block
Lab 8.2e: Customize the Cloud Catalog Item
Advanced Profiles
Lab 9.1: Create a Schedule Profile
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