Cloud Practice Accelerator Workshop

The Practice Accelerator (PA) Program assesses a Partner organisation’s capabilities and provides practical tools to help build a successful practice in areas such as Cloud Reselling or Digital Business.

PA uses data gathered during the self-assessment phase to provide the Partner organisation with recommended changes and practical steps, all benchmarked against an optimal target operating model.

The Production Workshop follows on logically from the Validation workshop and allows Partner’s to fully understand their data in the context of the four core domains, Sales, Service, Operations and Infrastructure.

The consultant led workshop will build an understanding of the specific requirements for each domain, and evolve a set of best practices, including potential specialisms, that allow the transition to a new business model and practice.

This workshop is available as either a focused one to one engagement with a single organisation, or as a multi-partner variant with a number of other organizations.

The one to one option allows for the development of bespoke recommendation and plans which may not be possible in the multi-partner environment


Review of Partner Domain Data
Identifiation of Strengths and Weaknesses
Development of Capability Packs
Prioritisation of Next Steps Plan and Action

Cloud computing

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

20 horas

  • Dificultad 50% 50%
  • Nivel alcanzado 80% 80%

Dirigido a

Partner Organisation Representatives with responsibilities in each of the four core domains.

Conocimientos requeridos

Purchase of a Practice Accelerator Licence(s), completion of the assessment and attendance at a subsequent Validation Workshop.


Day One – Sales


Consultant introduction
Partner introduction
Role in the PA Program

Sales Domain Overview

Sales Domain Context
Sales Capabilities
Inputs and outputs review

Analysis of Sales Capabilities
Sales Gap Analysis

Consultant Generated View of requirements and priorities
Strategy and Specialisms

Recommended / Required Sales Specialisms
Sales Next Steps and Recommendations

Day Two – Service


Consultant introduction
Partner introduction
Role in the PA Program

Service Domain Overview

Service Domain Context
Service Capabilities
Inputs and outputs review

Analysis of Service Capabilities
Service Gap Analysis

Consultant Generated View of requirements and priorities
Strategy and Specialisms

Recommended / Required Service Specialisms
Service Next Steps and Recommendations

Day Three – Operations


Consultant introduction
Partner introduction
Role in the PA Program

Operations Domain Overview

Operations Domain Context
Operations Capabilities
Inputs and outputs review

Analysis of Operations Capabilities
Operations Gap Analysis

Consultant Generated View of requirements and priorities
Strategy and Specialisms

Recommended / Required Operations Specialisms
Operations Next Steps and Recommendations

Day Four – Infrastructure


Consultant introduction
Partner introduction
Role in the PA Program

Infrastructure Domain Overview

Infrastructure Domain Context
Infrastructure Capabilities
Inputs and outputs review

Analysis of Infrastructure Capabilities
Infrastructure Gap Analysis

Consultant Generated View of requirements and priorities
Strategy and Specialisms

Recommended / Required Infrastructure Specialisms
Infrastructure Next Steps and Recommendations

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