5 horas
Búsqueda de instructores
Docker Swarm Application Essentials
5 horas
Kubernetes Application Essentials
10 horas
Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Container and DevOps
5 horas
Mirantis Cloud Native Platform Bootcamp
20 horas
Kubernetes Native Application Development
10 horas
Mirantis Container Cloud
5 horas
Kubernetes Operations
10 horas
Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE)
5 horas
Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR)
5 horas
Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
15 horas
VMware Tanzu Application Service: Install, Configure, Manage
20 horas
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage
10 horas
VMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations
5 horas
Advanced Docker Enterprise Troubleshooting
10 horas
Advanced Kubernetes Operations
10 horas
Cloud Native Development Bootcamp
25 horas
Cloud Native Operations Bootcamp
25 horas