Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric: Architecting, Designing, and Deploying a Network
Understand how Hyperledger Fabric networks are architected and operate. In this course, you will learn about the integral base files in which Fabric are built upon. With this knowledge, you will learn how identity and permissions are administered throughout Membership Only networks. Additionally, you will gain the experience necessary to enter into and manage nodes/peer needs (i.e., chaincode installation, securing communication, etc.).

Learn about chaincode, its purpose, and how to develop it using Go
Learn how to handle chaincode operations such as making chaincode packages accessible to peers, invoking and interacting with the chaincode logic from the CLI, and more
Learn about how to create and develop an initial client side solution (Using Node) to interact with the network
Learn how to scale network organizations, peers, and orderer nodes
Perform Certificate Authority Related operations and setup necessary for initial network Identity relations


Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

15 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
System Administrators and Architects

Conocimientos requeridos
Students should be:
Familiar with Hyperledger Fabric Component Structure and purposes
Have a minimal understanding of YAML Structure
Knowledgeable on how to navigate through the Command Line
Setting up Fabric
Docker basics
Lab: Installing HLF and setting up
Hyperledger Fabric architect’s use cases
Architecting a solution/architects considerations
Database Administration in Fabric
Fabric network topology
Lab: Bootstrapping the network
Lab: Building the network artifacts and basis
Lab: Building the network
System Administrator’s chaincode process
Lab: Chaincode on network
Communication on the network
Lab: Creating and implementing new organizations
Ordering Services
Lab: Scaling the network and modularity
Permissioning (Membership, ACL’s, Channels)
Lab: Creating the Channels, and implementing permissions
Lab: Adding Pearson Vue
Lab: MSP/CA operations
Deployment Tips
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