DB2 10 for z/OS System Administration
The course is updated for DB2 10 for z/OS. This course is the classroom delivered version of the Instructor led Online course DB2 10 for z/OS System Administration – ILO (3V851).
Administrators of DB2 10 for z/OS can acquire a view of the architecture and fundamental processes required to manage a DB2 10 for z/OS subsystem. Engage in lectures and hands-on labs to gain experience to:
Relate the z/OS IPL process to a DB2 subsystem
Explain effects of stopping and starting DB2
Explain how DB2 sets and use Integrated Catalog Facility (ICF) catalog names
The use of DSN command processor running in batch and foreground
Use views to minimize your ability to see into the DB2 catalog
See how the catalog (through grant activity) controls access to data
Search the catalog for problem situations
Use the catalog and DB2 utilities to determine data recovery requirements
Describe Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM) in a DB2 environment
Implement DB2 and Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) security
Describe DB2 program flow for all environments
Display normal and problem threads and database status
See how the SQL Processor Using File Input (SPUFI) AUTOCOMMIT option defers the COMMIT/ROLLBACK decision
Interpret lock displays
Identify and cancel particular threads
Describe available DB2 utilities to manage system and user page sets

Explain the allocation CLIST used at logon for DB2 data sets
Use Set SYSPARM command
Locate the Command recognition character for the DB2 subsystem
Query the system log to gain knowledge about the IPL process and information in the system log when DB2 is initialized or stopped
Explore DB2 Address Spaces information
Select the DB2 functions that best satisfy your site requirements
Explain the use of RACF for DB2 connection security
Explain the use of Roles and Trusted Context
Implement security procedures for a DB2 environment
Describe the components and address space structure of a DB2 subsystem
Explain DB2 Program Flow for all environments
Explain parameter settings for the IRLM
Display storage values for the IRLMPROC
Dynamically change IRLM storage
Estimate lock storage required for the IRLM
Invoke and use DB2 TSO Facilities
Use the DB2 Catalog to monitor authorizations
Increase the size of the Active Log data sets
Explain DB2 Logging
Use DSNJU004 to Print Log Map
Interpret the output of Print Log Map
Use DSNJU003 to rename DB2 data sets
Plan for recovery of a BSDS failure
Monitor and control DB2
Explain transaction flow in IMS and CICS
Describe the CICS and DB2 environment
Explain the difference between JDBC and SQLJ

Administración y programación bases de datos

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

25 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
This intermediate course is for system administrators, database administrators, and other technical individuals, who manage and implement DB2 10 for z/OS.

Conocimientos requeridos
You should have an understanding of the objects (tables, indexes, databases, and so forth) used in DB2 systems, and of how those objects are created, managed, and recovered.
These skills can be developed by taking the DB2 Database Administration Workshop (CF83) / DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV830) or through equivalent experience. You should also have a working knowledge of SQL. The DB2 SQL Workshop (CF12) / SQL Workshop – Instructor Led Online (3E120) provides that.
In addition, you should have:
At least one year as a z/OS systems programmer orequivalent experience
Or, one year working with DB2 on the mainframe as a DBA on the mainframe or equivalent experience
Basic architecture and fundamental mechanisms
Explain the principles of:
IPLing z/OS
Allocation CLIST
Control of DB2
START DB2 process
DB2 address space structure
DB2 log
Catalog and directory
Data sharing feature
Connection process
Command routing process
Program preparation and execution processes
Transaction and points of consistency
Set up and tune the IRLM
Recognize the important IRLM parameters
System security
Protect DB2 data sets when DB2 is up or down
Protect connections to DB2
Describe the high-level operation of DB2 security exits
DB2 program flow for all environments
Describe DB2 program execution
Explain what a DB2 thread is
Explain commit processing
Describe connection types
TSO and batch environments
Describe TSO facilities
Describe the facilities of DB2I
Invoke the DSN command processor in various ways
Invoke DB2 utilities
Describe the QMF environment
DB2 authorization
Provide appropriate authorization for your user community
Monitor authorization in the DB2 catalog
Effectively assign administrative authorities like SYSADM, DBADM, and BINDAGENT
Create objects for others
Explain the basic algorithms of the DB2 logging facility
Set up and operate your log efficiently
Recover from BSDS failures
Recover from certain lost log data set situations
Explain the use of the log maintenance tools
DB2 9 for z/OS utilities
Categorize and discuss DB2 utilities
Explain how to back up and recover DB2 objects using BACKUP SYSTEM and RESTORE SYSTEM utilities
Define high-level qualifier for catalog and directory
Rename DB2 data sets
Print log map of BSDS
Object recovery
Describe the different types of application recovery
Perform various health checks to detect damaged data
Read the log using DSN1LOGP
Avoid certain lost log scenarios
Transaction flow in IMS and CICS
Describe the two-phase commit process
Explain thread recycling and the complete connection process for a DB2 thread
Describe the input to and output from a SIGNON exit
CICS – DB2 environment
Outline a CICS connection to DB2
Use the DSNC transaction
Encourage CICS thread recycling
Operations (monitoring and controlling DB2)
Monitor and control DB2
Train operators at your local site
Discuss the functions of ATS (Administrative Task Scheduler)
System recovery/restart
Describe the DB2 restart process following both normal and abnormal terminations
Prevent restart failures
Recover from restart failures
Begin planning for offsite recovery
IMS – DB2 environment
Integrate IMS transactions into the DB2 environment
Integrate IMS BATCH jobs into the DB2 environment
Control which plans, subsystems, and connection IDs transactions and batch jobs use
Distributed – DB2 environment
Describe the use of DB2 for z/OS enterprise servers in a multitier environment
Explain the difference between JDBC and SQLJ
Describe the Java database connectivity capabilities: use SQLJ and/or JDBC
Document the requirements to set up the DB2 and Java environment in a z/OS environment
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