Develop C++ Applications
This is a self-paced GK Digital Learning product. GK Digital learning products are created by world-class production and instructional design teams to deliver an experience that feels more like a classroom than traditional e-learning with hands-on activities for real-world results. In addition to high quality video content and hands-on labs you will have access to subject matter experts to ask questions for feedback and support.
C++ is a large and complex language. It is performance sensitive, but also provides you with high-level abstractions that can help make your code more concise and easier to maintain.
This class will cover the basics of C++ from variable and function declarations to classes and templates.
This online learning event is comprised of Articles to read, Labs to participate in, Videos to watch and all the time you have access to Mentors that will help you better understand the C++ Language. We estimate that the learning event will take you around 16 1/4hrs to complete.

Build a simple procedural application
Declare, define and use a class
Implement polymorphic behavior using virtual functions and public inheritance
Creating classes that are const correct
Write generic code with templates
Implement copy and assignment to manage dynamic memory internal to a class
Implementing callbacks with functors

Software Development

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

25 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
This online event is aimed at developers who want to learn how to develop applications in C++

Conocimientos requeridos
The following Pre-requisite knolwged is required:
Some previous programming experience
The online event consists of the following content:
Code a Simple C++ Application – 1 hours 28 minutes 8 Activities: Article (5) | Lab (2) | Video (1)
Manage Collections of Variables with Arrays – 35 minutes 3 Activities: Article (1) | Lab (1) | Video (1)
Partition Your Code into Logical Units with Functions – 41 minutes 3 Activities: Article (1) | Lab (1) | Video (1)
Organize Your Data with Typedefs, Enums, and Structures – 49 minutes 6 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (1) | Video (2)
Manipulate Memory with Pointers and References – 1 hours 15 minutes 9 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (3) | Video (3)
Organize Your Code into Classes – 42 minutes 4 Activities: Article (0) | Lab (2) | Video (2)
Control Initialization with Constructors – 48 minutes 6 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (2) | Video (0)
Prevent Name Collisions with Namespaces – 35 minutes 3 Activities: Article (1) | Lab (1) | Video (1)
Create easier to use class types with operator overloading – 1 hours 0 minutes 6 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (2) | Video (0)
Throw and catch exceptions – 50 minutes 6 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (1) | Video (1)
Create generic classes and functions with templates – 1 hours 40 minutes 9 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (4) | Video (1)
Model ‘is a’ relationship with public inheritance – 57 minutes 7 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (2) | Video (1)
Support polymorphism with virtual member functions – 1 hours 2 minutes 6 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (2) | Video (1)
Prevent errors and create better user-defined types by using const – 1 hours 33 minutes 8 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (3) | Video (1)
Identify class specializations at runtime using RTTI (Runtime Type Information) – 1 hours 2 minutes 6 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (1) | Video (2)
Support deep copying by overriding you copy constructor and assignment operator – 40 minutes 3 Activities: Article (2) | Lab (1) | Video (0)
Implement callbacks with function pointers and functors – 1 hours 5 minutes 7 Activities: Article (2)Video (2)
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