Resultados para " Google Cloud "
Búsqueda de instructores
Seguridad en Google Cloud
From Data to Insights with Google Cloud
10 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals
5 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals for Azure Professionals
5 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning
5 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
5 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
5 horas
Install and Manage Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform
15 horas
Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
28 horas
From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform
21 horas
Google Cloud Data Engineering – Professional Data Engineer Certification
34 horas
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
25 horas
Managing Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform for Hybrid Cloud
15 horas
Machine Learning on Google Cloud
35 horas
Developing APIs with Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform
21 horas
Managing Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform for Hybrid Cloud
21 horas
Networking in Google Cloud
10 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine
5 horas
Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
5 horas
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam
5 horas
Security in Google Cloud
15 horas
Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process
10 horas
Build a Business Transformation Vision with Google Cloud
5 horas
Data Engineering on Google Cloud
20 horas
Developing APIs with Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform
15 horas
Developing Applications with Google Cloud
15 horas
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
Con esta sesión de un día, adquirirás una visión general de los productos y servicios de Google Cloud. A través de una combinación de presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes aprenden el valor de Google Cloud y cómo incorporar a sus estrategias de negocio las soluciones basadas Google Cloud.
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
This one-day instructor-led class provides an overview of Google Cloud products and services. Through a combination of presentations, demonstrations and hands-on labs, participants learn the value of the Google Cloud and how to incorporate cloud-based solutions into business strategies.
Install and Manage Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform
Explore the fundamentals and best practices for installing and managing Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform in your private cloud. This course uses lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials to show you how to design, install, secure, manage, and scale the platform.
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? Why are neural networks so popular right now? How can you improve data quality and perform exploratory data analysis? How can you set up a supervised learning problem and find a good, generalizable solution using gradient descent? In this course, you’ll learn how to write distributed machine learning models that scale in Tensorflow 2.x, perform feature engineering in BQML and Keras, evaluate loss curves and perform hyperparameter tuning, and train models at scale with Cloud AI Platform.
Managing Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform for Hybrid Cloud
This course introduces you to fundamentals and advanced practices applicable to the installation and management of Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform for hybrid cloud. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, install, secure, manage, and scale Apigee API Platform.
Networking in Google Cloud
En este curso de 2 días dirigido por un instructor, los participantes podrán estudiar en profundidad las opciones de Google Cloud Networking Tools. A través de presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes explorarán y también implementarán tecnologías de redes Google Cloud como CDN, DNS, equilibrio de carga, redes, firewalls, subredes y redes de Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). En este curso, también se analizan los patrones comunes de diseño de redes y la implementación automatizada con Cloud Deployment Manager.
Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
This course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to help you prepare for Google Cloud’s Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. You’ll learn about the structure, format, and domain of the exam so that you can create your study plan, along with how this certification relates to other Google Cloud certifications.
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam
This course will help you prepare for Google Cloud’s Professional Data Engineer certification exam. This session uses lectures, quizzes, and discussions to help you become familiar with the structure and format of the exam. You’ll take part in exam question reasoning and case comprehension, get tips from certified experts, and review topics from the Data Engineering curriculum. At the end of the course, you’ll take an ungraded practice exam and then a graded practice exam that will simulate the exam-taking experience.
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine
This course will introduce you to Google Cloud’s big data and machine learning functions. You’ll begin with a quick overview of Google Cloud and then dive deeper into its data processing capabilities.
Security in Google Cloud
This course gives participants broad study of security controls and techniques on Google Cloud. Through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy
the components of a secure GCP solution. Participants also learn mitigation techniques for attacks at many points in a GCP-based infrastructure, including Distributed Denial-of-Service
attacks, phishing attacks, and threats involving content classification and use.
Architecting with Google Cloud: Design and Process
This two-day instructor-led class equips students to build highly reliable and efficient solutions on Google Cloud using proven design patterns. It is a continuation of the Architecting with Google Compute Engine or Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine course and assumes hands-on experience with the technologies covered in either of those courses.
Through a combination of presentations, design activities, and hands-on labs, participants learn to define and balance business and technical requirements to design Google Cloud deployments that are highly reliable, highly available, secure, and cost-effective.
Build a Business Transformation Vision with Google Cloud
Si se está preguntando de qué se trata la publicidad en la nube o quiere saber qué puede hacer por su empresa -sin la jerga técnica-, este curso es para usted.
En esta clase privada, aprenda cómo la biblioteca Google Cloud puede abordar los retos empresariales a través de tres lentes diferentes: tecnología, economía y seguridad. La tecnología por sí sola no ayudará a que su empresa sea innovadora, por lo que una cuarta lente le ayuda a reimaginar la forma en que trabaja al fomentar una cultura de innovación. Mientras trabaja en grupos, desarrollará una visión que comenzará con un reto empresarial ambicioso y luego definirá una solución potencial y su impacto. Esta visión tendrá en cuenta varias fases de adopción de la nube para que pueda movilizar a sus equipos para que trabajen en paralelo hacia la aceleración del negocio al tiempo que reducen los costes.
Data Engineering on Google Cloud
This four-day instructor-led class provides participants a hands-on introduction to designing and building data processing systems on Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hand-on labs, participants will learn how to design data processing systems, build end-to-end data pipelines, analyze data, and carry out machine learning. The course covers structured, unstructured, and streaming data.
Developing APIs with Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform
Learn the fundamentals of API Design and the out-of-the-box capabilities offered by Google Cloud’s Apigee API Platform. This course features a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials to show you how to design, build, secure, deploy, and manage API solutions.
Developing Applications with Google Cloud
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to use GCP services and pre-trained machine learning APIs to build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud-native applications.
From Data to Insights with Google Cloud
Quiere saber cómo consultar y procesar petabytes de datos en segundos? ¿Tiene curiosidad por el análisis de datos que se amplía automáticamente a medida que sus datos crecen? Bienvenido al curso de Data Insights!
Esta clase de dos días dirigida por un instructor enseña a los participantes en el curso cómo obtener información a través del análisis y la visualización de datos mediante la plataforma Google Cloud. El curso presenta escenarios interactivos y laboratorios prácticos donde los participantes exploran, extraen, cargan, visualizan y extraen información de diversos conjuntos de datos de Google BigQuery. El curso cubre la carga de datos, la consulta, el modelado de esquemas, la optimización del rendimiento, el precio de la consulta y la visualización de datos.
Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals
Este curso de seis horas con laboratorios introduce a los profesionales de AWS a las capacidades principales de Google Cloud en los cuatro pilares tecnológicos: redes, computación, almacenamiento y bases de datos.
Está diseñado para arquitectos de soluciones AWS y administradores de SysOps familiarizados con las características y la configuración de AWS y desean adquirir experiencia en la configuración inmediata de productos Google Cloud. Con presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes obtienen rápidamente detalles de las similitudes, diferencias e instrucciones iniciales.
Google Cloud Fundamentals for Azure Professionals
This 1-day instructor led course introduces Azure professionals to the core capabilities of Google Cloud in the four technology pillars: networking, compute, storage, and database. With presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants get details of similarities, differences, and initial how-tos quickly.
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning
Este curso de un día de duración dirigido por un instructor introduce a los participantes en las grandes capacidades de datos de Google Cloud. Mediante una combinación de presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes obtienen una visión general de la plataforma Google Cloud y una visión detallada de las capacidades de procesamiento de datos y aprendizaje de la máquina. Este curso muestra la facilidad, flexibilidad y potencia de las grandes soluciones de datos en Google Cloud.
Introducción a los Microservicios y Arquitecturas Cloud
15 horas
Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google
15 horas
Microservicios y Arquitecturas Cloud para Jefes de Proyecto
20 horas
Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Examination
5 horas
ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals
15 horas
ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals
15 horas
Application Development with Cloud Run
15 horas
Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos
5 horas
Architecting with Google Compute Engine (GCE)
15 horas
Deploying Cloud Connect Solutions with Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000V
20 horas
Introducción a los Microservicios y Arquitecturas Cloud
En este curso, se explicarán los conceptos necesarios para entender los nuevos retos que supone la utilización de tecnologías basadas en Cloud y los Microservicios.
Se hará un repaso de las nuevas metodologías de trabajo, gestión del cambio y del cálculo de costes para poder afrontar con éxito un proyecto de este tipo.
Esta formación está enfocada responsables de tecnología. Introduce la arquitectura de microservicios, repasando puntos clave, como la gestión del coste y la gestión del cambio.
Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google
Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud teaches participants techniques for monitoring, troubleshooting, and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud. Guided by the principles of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), and using a combination of presentations, demos, hands-on labs, and real-world case studies, attendees gain experience with full-stack monitoring, real-time log management and analysis, debugging code in production, tracing application performance bottlenecks, and profiling CPU and memory usage.
Microservicios y Arquitecturas Cloud para Jefes de Proyecto
En este curso, se explicarán los conceptos necesarios para entender los nuevos retos que tenemos al dirigir proyectos hacia una orientación de Microservicios y Cloud.
Se hará un repaso de las principales arquitecturas, de las nuevas metodologías de trabajo y la gestión del cambio para poder afrontar con éxito un proyecto de este tipo.
Esta formación está enfocada a jefes de proyecto. Introduce la arquitectura de microservicios, presenta las estrategias de migración desde un sistema monolítico y guía a los participantes a través de todo el proceso de migración, gestión de recursos humanos, tecnología, etc..
Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Examination
Este curso proporciona información, consejos y sugerencias para realizar el examen de Arquitecto profesional de la nube, certificado por Google Cloud.
Los participantes de este curso obtendrán una descripción básica del examen de Arquitecto profesional de la nube, estudiarán algunos casos prácticos y repasarán todas las secciones del examen. Los candidatos aprenderán a identificar la falta de competencias y descubrirán nuevos ámbitos de estudio. Además, se les facilitan recursos formativos adecuados para diferentes tareas.
ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals
Many Enterprises leverage a virtualization and multi cloud strategy that includes vendors such as AWS, Azure, Google, IBM and VMware. The numerous benefits of a multi cloud strategy are often offset by complexity, a lack of visibility and an inability to control cost. The ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Platform helps to remove the complexity of multi cloud use, provides visibility and makes it easy for End Users to consume cloud resources.
This 3-day class will teach attendees how to deploy and configure the ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Platform to create multi cloud experience that makes it easy for end users to consume resources from AWS, Azure and VMware. The course will also show attendees how to use the Cloud Provisioning and Governance application to apply governance and policies to control the use and consumption of cloud resources.
Upon completion of the course, students will have gained experience in how to setup a Cloud User Portal, how to deploy simple application stacks using native cloud templating technologies and Terraform. The course will also teach students how to control cloud sprawl by using Cloud Provisioning and Governance approval policies, resource profiles and capacity limits.
Application Development with Cloud Run
This course introduces you to fundamentals, practices, capabilities and tools applicable to modern cloud-native application development using Google Cloud Run. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, implement, deploy, secure, manage, and scale applications on Google Cloud using Cloud Run.
Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos
Esta formación enseña a los participantes a modernizar, administrar y observar aplicaciones con el uso de Kubernetes, ya sea una aplicación desplegada en local o en Google Cloud Platform (GCP). A través de presentaciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes explorarán e implementarán utilizando Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GKE Connect, Istio service mesh y Anthos Config Management, que permiten a los operadores trabajar con aplicaciones modernas, tanto si se encuentran desplegadas de manera local, como si se dividen entre distintos clústeres alojados por múltiples proveedores.
Architecting with Google Compute Engine (GCE)
Este curso de tres días con instructor inicia a los profesionales participantes en la infraestructura completa y flexible y en los servicios de plataforma que ofrece Google Cloud, con un enfoque en el Motor de Computación. A través de una combinación de presentaciones, demostraciones y laboratorios prácticos, los participantes exploran y despliegan elementos de la solución, incluyendo componentes de la infraestructura como redes, sistemas y servicios de aplicaciones. Este curso también cubre el despliegue de soluciones prácticas, incluyendo redes de interconexión segura, claves de encriptación suministradas por el cliente, gestión de seguridad y acceso, cuotas y facturación, y supervisión de recursos.
Deploying Cloud Connect Solutions with Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000V
The Deploying Cloud Connect Solutions with Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000V course shows you how to deploy and operate Cisco® Cloud Services Router 1000V (CSR1000V) to provide comprehensive WAN gateway and network services functions including connectivity, routing, and security into virtual and cloud environments. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn: Cisco CSR 1000V deployment options and requirements; hypervisor support, licensing models, features and programmability support; and how to implement, integrate, install, manage, and troubleshoot the deployment process and common operation issues.
(Derek Bok) (Leo Buscaglia) (José Antonio Marina) (Ralph Waldo Emerson) (Paul Samuelson) . (Warren Buffett) (John Cotton Dana) [dipl_ajax_search search_placeholder="Encuentra tu curso" number_of_results="100" search_in="on|off|off" display_fields="on|on|off|off"...
Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
8 horas
Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
8 horas
VMware Tanzu Application Service: Install, Configure, Manage
20 horas
VMware Tanzu Application Service: Install, Configure, Manage
Este curso de 4 días proporciona a los administradores y operadores la comprensión teórica y la experiencia práctica necesarias para instalar y administrar manualmente el servicio de aplicaciones Tanzu (TAS). El curso comienza con una introducción a BOSH y cómo usarlo. Esto sienta las bases para instalar Ops Manager y Tanzu Application Service, configurar usuarios, roles y cuotas, y configurar la plataforma para el registro y el monitoreo. Al finalizar este curso, los participantes tendrán las habilidades necesarias para pasar de la configuración al mantenimiento de la plataforma en la nube de su organización.
Introduction to Data Analysis
10 horas
Introduction to Data Analysis
Organizations need to make business decisions more quickly and accurately than ever before. Basing these decisions on data and best practice analysis techniques and less on gut feel or «the way we have always done things» is how today’s corporate management is demanding information. A solid foundation of data analysis for business decision making is a critical skill you should have regardless of whether your motive is to obtain or sustain a competitive advantage or simply better steward your resources to serve customers. In this course, you will learn to use data analytics to create actionable recommendations, as well as identify and manage opportunities where data-based decisions can be used to change the way you do business.
This course provides many of the common data analysis tools used to gather, analyze and adapt your data to feed business decisions. You do not need heavy Excel or data analysis experience. This course includes introductory exercises on Excel add-ins, standard deviation, random sampling, and an introduction to pivot tables and charts. These exercises will show you how to effectively demonstrate basic data analysis functions and reporting in Excel or Google Spreadsheets. We will simplify math jargon and complex symbols and equations to concentrate on what your data can tell you and your organization. In addition, you will learn how to present to those executives, managers and subject matter experts who need to quickly make decisions that drive your organization.